This concert is possible because of the incredible group of individuals whose dedication and talents merged in love and testimony to produce this musical celebration of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Concert Director
Tava loves music and dreams up concert events and then lets the Lord bring her the people she needs to make the dream a reality, all the while knowing she has no business attempting such events. However, through the love and support of a great Stake President, a phenomenal team of creative people, an incredible Choir Director, videographers, an amazing sound engineer, and her ability to Trust the Lord – the events come together.
When it’s all said and done, she takes a step back and thanks her Heavenly Father for making it all happen. She knows that there is only one person in charge: our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is her rock and foundation.
Creative Director/
Sound Engineer
Richard is a musician, producer, and sound engineer with event videography experience. He works from the project studio in his home and at Talmage Studio. Richard’s technical savvy, artistic vision, and perfectionistic personality enhance each professional project with which he is involved. His many years in the business have afforded him opportunities to work with incredibly talented artists. Richard spent more than two decades singing with his good friends, Jon Buehner & Joe Tenney, as part of Three2U. Today his favorite role is behind the scenes encouraging the best from each participant.
Gilbert Stake Choir Director
Singing in a choir is a lot like life. We all have different voices and different strengths and weaknesses. Still, when we come together, the Lord magnifies our efforts, and we experience a powerful result beyond anything we could ever create on our own. I love choral singing, and I especially love leading choirs! I love feeling the energy and the testimonies of the singers. As we rehearse, we try to make our voices as beautiful and precise as possible, but we also try to incorporate the spirit into the music. As we sing with the spirit in our hearts, the music truly becomes life-changing. As I have conducted this Easter choir, I have often felt that I’m conducting more than music...I’m also conducting faith. I believe that as you listen to this virtual concert, you will be able to feel what is in the hearts of the choir members. They have put not only their faith and testimony into the music but also their struggles and their vulnerabilities. I am so grateful to each of our choir members sharing their time, talents, and love for the Savior. This is their gift to you this Easter season, as well as my own, and we give it to you joyfully.
Assistant Director
Paula is the support staff for the concert this year. She’s a copy editor, watches the details, calms the stressed, offers a third opinion, and prepares comprehensive spreadsheets. Her love of music, the Easter season, and faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ, and His Atonement help keep the scope of this project in perspective.
Heritage Academy Concert Choir Director
Under Robin Rost's direction, Heritage Academy Mesa boasts 7 choirs, including the award-winning Concert Choir. Founded in 1995, Heritage Academy was the 4th Charter granted in the state of Arizona. Since then, it has grown to be an established, successful, and safe school where academics & character development are the highest priority.
Heritage Academy instills into the minds and hearts of today's youth the enduring values and principles taught by America's Founding Fathers and Mothers like liberty and freedom that foster respect, hard work, honesty, personal responsibility, friendship, hope, and courage.
As today's rising generation gains an appreciation of these people of accomplishment, they will be ready to provide selfless service to their fellow citizens and their country, which will be required in the coming years to help preserve America's greatness. Heritage Academy exists to this end. They have been serving scholars in 7th – 12th grades for 25 years and currently have 4 campuses across the Valley.
After our first live concert event in 2019, we were excited to bring another concert event in 2020. One month before the event we received a phone call telling us the concert would be postponed due to COVID. We thought we would be able to perform the concert within a few months. As 2020 wrapped up, we realized that a live concert would not be feasible. We started to regroup and asked how do we bring music to our community.
Our Choir Conductor Sharon Gilliland soon sent an e-mail with the following:
I was listening to our song, "How Can I Keep From Singing?" and I wept when I heard these words:
"No storm can shake my inmost calm; While to that rock, I'm clinging.
All things are mine since I am His. How can I keep from singing?"
Through my tears, I thought, "The world needs to hear this song, as well as all of our wonderful Easter concert songs! There has to be a way for this concert to happen next year!"
I hope that means that Heavenly Father wants it to happen and will provide a way for us to share our musical testimonies of His Son with our community.
A few days later, a link was sent to the concert director for a ‘virtual’ music celebration. She knew this was the answer to our heartfelt prayers. Once viewed, it was shared with the committee, and we knew this was the vehicle for 2021. 'Here is Hope,' a 'virtual' Easter concert, was born.
The music we have chosen shares our love of the Savior Jesus Christ and is the universal language that transcends all barriers. President David O. McKay said it best –
"Music is truly the universal language, and when it is excellently expressed how deeply it moves our souls."
How grateful we are for the donations of time, equipment, locations, talents, and personal sacrifice by the musicians, performers, videographers, sound engineer, their families, and all others involved either in the spotlight, behind the scenes, or in support of this event.
Easter is a special time of year as it commemorates the resurrection of our Savior. As Christians, we celebrate this time of year and focus on the love of a Heavenly Father who sacrificed His only begotten Son so we may live with him again one day.
Our Savior Jesus Christ gave his life to save the world and has provided us a way to return home through His Atonement. As we share this beautiful music, may you search and ponder how Jesus Christ has impacted your life.
Please share this website with family, friends and neighbors and invite them to join us for the concert premiere on Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 7pm (Arizona time).